Luna Lab for RNA Systems Virology Dept. of Biochemistry & RNA Center, Case Western Reserve University

Hi! My name is Paxton (also known as Pax) and I am a second-year undergraduate majoring in Biochemistry on the pre-health path at CWRU. I am minoring in Bioethics, Philosophy, and Chemistry and have concentrations in Cancer Biology and Infectious Disease. I am originally from Colorado Springs but after coming to Ohio I had to trade my mountains for a lake. I am passionate about all aspects of science and medicine which has put me on the path of aiming to become a Surgical Oncologist in the future. At Case I am actively involved in organizations like the Residence Hall Association (as executive VP of Auditing and Finance), National Residence Hall Honorary, Undergraduate Student Government (as a part of Finance and Student Life), Case Cancer Initiative, and the Debate Society. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, thrifting, reading, collecting mugs and sweaters, traveling, and volunteering. In the lab, I am learning ‘the ways of researching’ by helping with various projects such as cloning novel RBPs. I look forward to taking on more as time goes by!

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